So, You Want to Change Your Life?

“Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often.” - Susan Statham

Limits are bullshit.

Challenge your story.

A key element for changing your life is self-awareness. 

It’s important to reflect on the stories and narratives we’re telling ourselves and to challenge them often if they don’t fit with what we want out of life.

Do you want to be fit, but keep telling yourself, “I’m not someone who enjoys working out?”

Do you want to adopt healthier eating habits, but think, “I don't like vegetables?"


How many times have you said something like this to yourself:

  • I’ve never been someone that likes working out.

  • I’m just not that type of person.

  • I’m not someone who cooks food at home.

  • I have never been able to hold myself accountable.

  • I always end up failing, so what’s the point in trying?

These are the type of negative thoughts that keep you from achieving your goals and your dreams.

Here’s the thing, these things MIGHT have been true at one point in time, but they don’t have to be true now.

Over the course of your life, you’ve created a story of your life that you fit into.

But, your story doesn’t need to be the same forever. Your character doesn’t need to be the same forever.

Imagine you’re watching the main character in a movie.

Throughout the movie, you see them grow, evolve, and change.

They hardly ever stay the same.

That’s you. You’re the main character of this story of your life that you are writing.

Ok, so maybe before your character didn’t like working out. Younger you was bullied in school in gym class. Maybe younger you was self-conscious because everyone ran faster or was better at dodgeball during recess or PE. Maybe you developed a hatred for exercise because of it and as a way to protect yourself from the embarrassment you just never exercised.

Maybe… That narrative no longer serves you. It’s no longer helpful; you can close that chapter and start a new one.

So how can you do that?

1. Find & Challenge The Negativity Bias In Your Current Life Story

We’re way more likely to remember negative experiences than positive ones. This is called negativity bias.

The first step in changing your story is challenging these biases and to turning your thinking to a more positive one through adopting a growth mindset. Re-focusing your thoughts to remembering more positive experiences and then rewriting “negative” ones with the lenses of “failure is feedback,” you can start to shift the way you think about all the moments in your life.

2. Set Yourself As The Writer/Producer and Rewrite Your Origin Story To Reshape Your Life.

You are the writer and producer of your own story/movie. You get to decide where you go next and what you do next. Stop seeing yourself as the victim of your habits and choices or the pawn in someone else’s story. YOU decide what to do next. YOU get to decide whether you want to rewrite your story, start a new chapter, grow, evolve and change.

In the past, you may have identified as someone that “doesn’t like working out,” but if that’s a narrative you no longer want to live, you can change it. Start exploring different types of exercise. Find a workout buddy. Create an awesome playlist. Give exercise a new meaning - something that will help you live a long and healthy life so you can do the things you love to do.

3. Eliminate The Illusion Of “I Just Am This Way”

Change is difficult, but it is not impossible.

Sure, it’s EASY to say, “That’s just the way I am.”

It’s EASY to go back to what you know and are comfortable with, but I’m going to ask you, “Are you comfortable there?”

If you are, why are you reading this?

If it was comfortable, you wouldn’t be wanting change. You wouldn’t be reading this.

You wouldn’t be frustrated with your life as it is now.

Don’t let comfort fool you. It FEELS comfortable because it’s easy, but it REALLY isn’t.

So, I’ll end by repeating this:

Limits are bullshit.

Challenge your story.

You get to decide how the rest of your life will go and the person you want to be.

Decide you’re going to be that person, starting today.

…and if you’re still thinking, okay, I’ve tried to change before, but I failed.

The past version of you may have failed, but this present you is going to take what they learned from that experience and create something new.

If you’re looking for a safe space where you'll receive support and guidance in achieving your health goals, you're right where you need to be :) Submit a client application to receive your free 15 min consultation with me. I work with clients all over the world helping those who are frustrated and confused become empowered and confident - changing their relationship with food, fitness and most importantly, themselves.

Hi, I’m Azul Corajoria, an Integrative Health Coach, Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I support my clients in making step-by-step changes so that they can live a healthy and balanced life. By recognizing the interdependent roles of mindset, nutrition, and movement I educate and hold my clients accountable for achieving their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments with an emphasis on self-care. Together, we navigate the contradictory world of nutrition through intuitive eating, practice mindful movement, and implement small mindset and lifestyle shifts that empower them to be their best selves in the easiest way possible.


Celebrate BEFORE Your Goal to GET TO Your Goal


What If You Lived Life As The Person You Want To Be?