Empty Calories - Are They Bad?

What is an Empty Calorie?

First off, when we hear empty, we think, zero.

An empty glass of water has no water in it.

That’s not the case with most empty calories.

Empty doesn’t mean it has zero calories.

Empty means it has little to no nutritional value.

It’s a slang way of saying, “Any food or drink that may provide immediate energy (in most cases through sugar), but because lacks in its nutritional profile, doesn’t contain the nutritional components that keep you satiated or full and, in most cases, doesn’t assist in supplying vitamins and minerals to the body.”

Empty calories are usually engineered to taste really good.

Learn more about that here: Link

Some examples of empty calories include:

  • Soda

  • Sports Drinks

  • Alcohol

  • Candy

  • Cakes

  • Cookies

  • Chips

  • Popcorn

There is nothing wrong with empty calories.

They are not “bad” or “good” or a “cheat” or “junk.”

^^ read that again.

They’re just simply, another food option.

Yes, they might be an option that doesn’t have as many nutrients as another option, sure, but that doesn’t make them bad. For some, having access to these kinds of foods can be a blessing. As a marathon runner, you need a sports drink to get quick energy that other foods cannot provide. For some, these foods can quite literally give them the burst of serotonin they need, which if you’re depressed, can be a really good thing in the interim. You see what I’m saying. These foods need not be demonized, just understood.

These types of food can certainly be incorporated into your diet.

Here IS the issue. If you ONLY EVER have empty calories, you’re never going to be getting the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to run efficiently. The nutrients your muscles and tissues need to grow, your brain needs to function effectively, your eyes, your joints, your gut bacteria to digest, etc.

Food is how we nourish our bodies. Food and water are what we need to survive.

Yes, quality matters. It matters a lot. But that doesn’t mean you should be made to feel like sh** if you decide to have some cookies one day. This is when we insert the age-old, “balance,” word around. Balance when you’re just eating empty calories though can be difficult. Not because you have no self-control. Not because you are lazy and undisciplined. But because empty calories are, by design, meant to keep you coming back for more.

For example, you can eat more cookies than you can eat apples.

I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

That’s not just because cookies taste better.

Although, that’s definitely a reason and you can find out why here: Link

It’s because an apple is packed with fiber and water (along with vitamins and minerals) - which will make you feel fuller much faster. Combine that with something like peanut butter which contains healthy fats and protein, and you’ll be full quickly and for a long time.

Most cookies are made with ingredients that are digested and metabolized faster, so you get a quick burst of energy and happiness, but moments later want/need to go back for more. They don’t contain the components of a filling meal: healthy fats, complex carbs, fiber, protein, etc.

But like I said, we don’t need to say NEVER AGAIN, to these kinds of foods.

The question is, how can we enjoy these foods, while also making sure we’re getting the variety of nutrients we need to stay healthy and happy?

The simple answer is: Addition

Instead of just having cookies as a snack, ADD in some fruit and nuts on the side.

Instead of just having chocolate-covered pretzels, ADD in some peanut butter.

Instead of just having mac n cheese, ADD in some chicken and veggies.

Instead of just having cheez-its, ADD in some prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella.

I think you get the point.

Finally, I’m going to add this in: Drop the judgment dude.

Judging and criticizing yourself for eating cookies has gotten you nowhere, but feeling like sh**. Instead, get curious. This article is a stepping stone for you. Take the information here and apply it and see what happens. It takes time, change doesn’t happen overnight so be patient.

If you feel like you’re always just mindlessly eating, download my free food journal to learn how to identify your body's hunger and fullness cues so you can feel confident that when you eat, you're eating because your body is asking for nourishment.

If you struggle with emotional eating and you want to learn how to go from “out of control” to more “in tune” with your body’s needs, sign up for my upcoming course: Heal Your Relationship with Emotional Eating: Stop Using Food Solutions for Emotional Problems.

Photo by Isabela Kronemberger on Unsplash

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Hi, I’m Azul Corajoria, an Integrative Health Coach, Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I support my clients in making step-by-step changes so that they can live a healthy and balanced life. By utilizing lifestyle and behavior adjustments with an emphasis on self-care, I guide and support my client’s in achieving their health goals and bridging the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.


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