Do This The Next Time You Over-Eat

Befriend yourself.


I get it, trust me, I’ve been there, a lot, like… a lot a lot.

You’re probably feeling:








I f***king get it, and I feel for you so deeply.

I went through years of that.

The ONE thing you should not do, is wallow in those negative emotions and start talking to yourself like you would never DARE talk to someone else.

You don’t f***ing deserve that.

I didn’t deserve that.

The next time you over-eat and you start to hear those thoughts, ask yourself:
What would you do for a friend in this situation?

You’d hug them.

You’d tell them everything is okay.

You’d listen to them without passing judgment.

You’d try and help them figure out what happened.

You’d make sure you were there for them no matter what.

You wouldn’t turn your back on them.

You wouldn’t think differently of them or judge them.

You wouldn’t tell them how disappointed you were.

You wouldn’t tell them they should be embarrassed and ashamed.

You wouldn’t not give them food for the rest of the day.

You wouldn’t put them on the treadmill for 2 hours.

Well, unless you’re a s*** friend.

Something beautiful happens when you become your own best friend: You feel safe, you feel emotionally supported, and you create space to try and understand what happened, why it happened.

Let me let you in on a little secret:

We don’t binge because of lack of self control or discipline. Binging is physiological.

We binge because we either are:

a) restricting our food intake (mentally and/or physically)


b) emotionally eating to cope with feelings we’re uncomfortable with.

Binging is an act of love, support, and comfort.

Our bodies do their best to give us what we need, without context.

Know that your body is doing what it needs to protect you.

You just need to find out what from.

If you’re looking to feel more confident in your body, learn how to let go of dieting for good to enjoy food without guilt, and turn exercise into something you love to do rather than something you “have” to do, submit a client application to get in contact with me! I work with clients virtually all over the world helping those who are frustrated with dieting and want to change their relationship with food, exercise and themselves.

Hi, I’m Azul Corajoria, an Integrative Health Coach, Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I support my clients in making step-by-step changes so that they can live a healthy and balanced life. By recognizing the interdependent roles of mindset, nutrition, and movement I educate and hold my clients accountable for achieving their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments with an emphasis on self-care. Together, we navigate the contradictory world of nutrition through intuitive eating, practice mindful movement, and implement small mindset and lifestyle shifts that empower them to be their best selves in the easiest way possible.


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